VIPs Drive the conversation

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DrivingSales VIP

At DrivingSales, we are always looking for innovative ways to enhance your experience and bring you closer to the latest trends and technologies in the automotive industry. We’re thrilled to introduce our new VIP  Subscriber Program, designed to streamline your learning journey and offer exclusive benefits.

Here's some of what you can look forward to...

Tailored Webinar Selection: Automatically registered for webinars that match your interests.

Fewer Emails: Essential updates only, for a clutter-free inbox since you will be automatically added to guest lists.

Exclusive Discounts: Special vendor discounts for members.

Content Influence: Join our Steering Committee and shape future topics. You will also be able to presubmit questions to help ensure you get the info you need.

Subscriber-Only Site: All webinars accessible in one convenient location.

DrivingSales VIP badge - At DrivingSales, we're always looking for innovative ways to enhance your experience and bring you closer to the latest trends and technologies in the automotive industry. We’re thrilled to introduce our new DrivingSales VIP Program, designed to streamline your learning journey and offer exclusive benefits.